Suche nach Fachkräften
904 Fachkräfte gefunden
Gebäudetechnik, Gebäudeenergietechnik Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Conductor de moto, carro y tracto camión |
Unternehmensführung, Management Unternehmensführung, Management Critical Thinking, Project Management, Planning and Coordinating, collaborative. |
Umweltwissenschaft Bauingenieurwesen Project Management, Sustainability Consulting, Environmental research, Entrepreneurship, Market Analysis |
Marketing, Vertrieb Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Im a professional and hghly qualified seller and costumer service person. I have 5 years of experience in sells and i have to tell you i start from the bootom. I star from a normal seller person, them a VIP seller them... |
Verkehrsingenieurwesen Technische Informatik Routing & Switching, HP Routing & Switching, Checkpoint NGFW, Palo Alto NGFW, Fortinet NGFW, Micosoft Windows 10, Windows Server 2012. Active Directory, Dns, Dhcp, IIS7, VMware ESXi and ESX, Symantec, Netbackup, FreeBS... |
Informations-, Kommunikationstechnik I have Expertise in below technologies : |
Maschinenbau (weiterführend) Maschinenbau 3D/CAD-Systeme: CREO Parametric, CATIA V5 |
Luft-, Raumfahrttechnik Wide experience about laboratory and wind tunnel testing. Consolidated competences in wide experimental facilities management. Maintenance activities; testing planning, project and execution; measurement techniques, es... |
Mechatronik Mechatronik - Programmiersprachen: Python, ROS, C/C++, Pascal, VHDL, Ladder Diagram, Matlab, Simulink, Pspice; |
Photonik, Optische Technologien Informations-, Kommunikationstechnik (weiterführend) |
Elektrotechnik Elektrotechnik Embedded skills : Development in Embedded C, |
Informations-, Kommunikationstechnik MS excel |
Automatisierungstechnik Luft-, Raumfahrttechnik (weiterführend) Matlab, SImulink, C++ |
Elektrotechnik Elektrotechnik Requirement Creation |
Maschinenbau (weiterführend) Maschinenbau NX CAD | Solidworks | AutoCAD | CATIA V5 | Ansys | COMSOL Multiphysics | Star CCM+ | Thermo-Calc | MATLAB | C | C++ | SAP ERP | MS Office |
Informations-, Kommunikationstechnik (weiterführend) Informations-, Kommunikationstechnik Research, Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling, Scientific Writing, Programming, Statistical Data Analysis, Signal Processing, Algorithms, Engineering, Simulations, Software Development, Debugging, Radar, Electronics, Da... |
Elektrotechnik Elektrotechnik Programming: C++, Matlab, Fortran. |
Werkstoffwissenschaft, -technik Werkstoffwissenschaft, -technik Communication, Leadership, Teamwork, Metal Casting, Solidification, Product Development, Simulation |
Informatik (weiterführend) Programming Languages - C, C++, Java, Python |
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