Pressemitteilungen international – ohne EU & EFTA
Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Regelungen im deutschen Aufenthaltsrecht für Bürger der EU/EFTA einerseits und Drittstaatlern andererseits sind die Pressemitteilungen auf den jeweiligen Bereich zugeschnitten.
Sprache der Pressemitteilungen:
Half of all German major enterprises count on international professionals.
More than one million unfilled jobs in Germany
Strong demand for international talent
Hamburg – German employers were confronted with a shortfall of 1.1 million skilled workers and professionals in the third quarter of 2017i – more than ever before. The economy is experiencing an ongoing upswing and there is a shortage of young talent to meet the high demand for labour. German companies are urgently looking for talent from all over the world. Now is the time for anyone who has ever thought about living and working in Germany to start planning how to do so. But what qualifications do you need?
The new German platform specialises in attracting professionals and skilled workers from around the world.
Easier access to the German labour market for professionals and skilled workers worldwide
Employland develops innovative intermediary platform
Hamburg – With its Internet platform, available in German and English, Hamburg start-up Employland is offering a new way to find work in Germany. For the first time, recruitment and legal services are being offered from a single source as a way of streamlining the labour integration process: Employland helps job-seekers with residence and work permits as well as recognition of their qualifications.