Suche nach Fachkräften
Mehr als 1000 Fachkräfte gefunden
Deutsch als Zweit-/Fremdsprache Ehrlichkeit |
Chemie Chemist,Water Analysis,FMCG,Quality Controle Chemist |
Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege |
Informatik (weiterführend) Big Data Hadoop and Aws/Azure cloud, Java Spring Hibernate, Restful Webservice, Technical Solutioning, Project management |
Lebensmitteltechnologie I am a very responsible, orderly, sincere, honest person. I like team work. When I make a cake(for example) I like to meet the client to connect feelings with a work of art because that is for me the bakery an art. |
Marketing, Vertrieb Data Analysis |
Elektrotechnik Leadership Skills |
Humanmedizin Humanmedizin radiology |
Maschinenbau 1.Leadership and the ability to work on a team |
Maschinenbau experience in Projects works related to Mechanical field and also experienced in maintenance field, |
Finanz- und Rechnungswesen, Controlling To check the compliance of company accounts and personnel transactions with the legislation in a uniform chart of accounts. use of computer, word and excel |
Informations-, Kommunikationstechnik Matla simulink model base development |
Regionalwissenschaft - Asien - Teamwork: professional partnership with other interns during the time I worked in China |
Produktionstechnik (weiterführend) Maschinenbau Project Managment, Production Control |
Maschinenbau Advanced Excel, Problem Solving, Continuous Improvement, Lean Logistics, Kaizen, Kanban, 5S, Lotus Notes, BPCS, MFG-PRO, ISO16949, ISO14001, Results-oriented, ERP |
Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Business Administration MS Office, AutoCad, Revit, Accubid |
Informatik Proficient in IT environment over Architect, Implement & Support |
Maschinenbau • Body Systems Engineering – 8 years of Experience of Design and Development in automotive field. |
Informatik Web Development, Android Development, Technical Recruiter |
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